Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Grid Segmentation Campaign Use Case - Credit Card Mailer

This use case creates a direct mail campaign using the segmentation grid to drive the selection. Each recipient will receive a printed credit card offer through the post service.

Our target is recipients aged 25-65. We will not try to limit the number of promotions per household.

We will provide different credit card types based on the recipients income level.

In order to achieve this we need to create the following before creating the grid Campaign:

Campaign Start Date (Overview Tab) Tomorrows Date (Note the default Campaign start date is today's date)
Campaign End Date (Overview Tab) Two days from today (Note the default Campaign End Date is seven days from today's date. The default date remains the same even if you amend the Campaign Start Date)
Campaign Key (Overview Tab) Cust ID
File Tactics (Tactics Tab) Add 4 tactics named Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum
Audience Inclusions (Audience Tab) Age range of 25-65
Audience Exclusions (Audience Tab) Income numeric is Null OR under 20k

On the grid campaign select the Default tactic to be bronze. This means unless otherwise specified campaign recipients will receive the bronze tactic.

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